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讲座预告 | Christina Sammet:Balancing Risks in Pediatric Imaging



                     报告名称 : Balancing Risks in Pediatric Imaging                           

             报告时间 : 2019年7月8日 10:00                                              

报告地点 : 主楼四区209                                                

               报  告  人 : Christina Sammet教授 美国西北大学放射科               




Dr. Sammet is alicensed medical physicist in the state of Illinois and she has a boardcertificate in Diagnostic Medical Physics from the American Board of Radiology(ABR). Dr. Sammet is a senior medical physicist at Lurie Children’s Hospital ofChicago with a faculty appointment in Radiology at Northwestern University. Herresponsibilities as the medical physicist at her institution include theoversight of all imaging modalities including magnetic resonance imaging,general radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, cardiac/neurocatheterization, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and nuclearmedicine. Dr. Sammet has a broad background in both adult and pediatricradiological research including computational analysis of medical images forthe purpose of developing imaging biomarkers.


Historically the pediatric healthcare community hasfocused on reducing the use of radiation for diagnostic imaging in children.More recently, however, it has become apparent that providers should alsoconsider the risks associated with the use of imaging contrast media,anesthesia/sedation, and implant compatibility. Choosing the best diagnosticimaging procedure in pediatric imaging therefore requires a carefulrisk/benefit analysis which includes an evaluation of all of the risksassociated with the procedure balanced with the quality of diagnosticinformation expected. This seminar will review each type of imaging modality(x-ray, CT, ultrasound, PET, Nuclear Medicine, MRI, and Fluoroscopy) anddiscuss the associated risks and image quality issues in order to betterdetermine appropriateness criteria in pediatric imaging. 

上一篇:讲座预告 | Steffen Sammet:Image-guided Ultrasound Therapy
下一篇:讲座预告|Owen Carmmchael:Computational analysis of neuroimaging